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About us

Bipop is an  online music instruction platform tailored towards woc and the non-gender conforming community taught by woc and the non-gender conforming community with the intention to unite these two groups through community, passion, and activism to create a future where woc and the non-gender conforming community can see themselves represented in every field and every level of the music industry absent from the constraints of the patriarchy, racism, and homophobia

Bipop was created by CEO and founder, Alana Amore Colvin. As a queer-black-woman of color growing up less than rich and persuing music as a career, guitar specifically, there were not many people to look up to in terms of race or sex. As a rock guitarist, she was constantly compared to Tracy Chapman or Jimi Hendrix because those were the only two black people that people seemed to have associated with rock. That’s all she knew and the only real association between her and Tracy Chapman was that they were two black women, with short hair, from Cleveland. Her acknowledgement of this lack of representation increased as she began competing and male guitarists (of various races/ethnicities) criticized her for being a woman playing guitar. In high school, as she studied classical guitar where she once again noticed a lack of representation for people of color as a whole, and in college (at this point spending years educating herself on woc in the rock community) became quite frustrated with being one of three black, female, guitarists at the time. The extent of this lack of representation became even more apparent when she learned her roommate was the only black female tenor saxophonist in the entire school. With a desire to teach, and a passion for activism, Alana wanted to create an environment for women of color and non-gender conforming people to learn how to play and create music where they would have sufficient support and representation from a community who could open them to a world of music often overlooked and swept away behind the patriarchy.


Our fearless leader

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